Liz Moran of EcoLogic LLC will discuss the major findings of the Cayuga Lake Modeling Project (CLMP), a detailed evaluation of the sources and fate of phosphorus loading to Cayuga Lake from point and nonpoint sources. The NYSDEC required Cornell University to fund the CLMP as a permit requirement for continued operation of the Lake Source Cooling facility. The university and NYSDEC designed the CLMP to provide knowledge and tools for a rational, science-based approach to managing Cayuga Lake and other regional waters. EcoLogic managed communications among the many researchers, modelers, and institutional partners on behalf of Cornell’s Facilities and Energy Management Division.
The investment of four years and three million dollars resulted in a deeper understanding of three issues central to managing Cayuga Lake and other regional waters: phosphorus sources, phosphorus bioavailability (i.e., potency for supporting phytoplankton growth), and the impact of water motion on distribution of phosphorus and phytoplankton.